
Everything comes with a little price to pay. Dude are you worried that of recent you are beginning to fire only one or two during the race? Saddle your horse cowboy. A 2009 study conducted by the Australian Research Center in sex health and society found out that daily use of the plant was linked with reports among men of their inability to reach orgasm, early ejaculations and taking ages to come. 


It is always good to hear from someone talking about their past and how it has gone to redefine who they are. Not a couple of years ago I used to run to school bare footed with an old metal plate I had picked up somewhere along the road to school. That was way back when the richest man in the neighborhood drove a Bedford JP.

These people whom we found living good, some had a past life that taught them a thing or two. Those who didn't have a past life to reflect on squandered everything they found or worked for because they learned nothing.
With this kind of knowledge, it is easier for someone who has been torn apart by the challenges of this life to find their footing.

Remember success does not come over night. Spend if you have but don't rub it on other people's face.

COME RAIN: The Eccentric

COME RAIN: The Eccentric : Remember those days when politics was for the feared persuasive men with many words the mind couldn't count ...